package goddrinksjava; /* * The program GodDrinksJava implements an application that * creates an empty simulated world with no meaning or purpose. * * @author momocashew */ public class GodDrinksJava { public static void main(String[] args) { Thing me = new Lovable("Me", 0, true, -1 false); Thing you = new Lovable("You", 0, true, -1 false); World world = new World(5); world.addThing(me); world.addThing(you); world.startSimulation(); /* Switch on the power line Remember to put on PROTECTION Lay down your pieces And let's begin OBJECT CREATION Fill in my data parameters INITIALIZATION Set up our new world And let's begin the SIMULATION */ if(me instanceof PointSet){ you.addAttribute(me.getDimensions().toAttribute()); me.resetDimensions(); } /* If I'm a set of points Then I will give you my DIMENSION */ if(me instanceof Circle){ you.addAttribute(me.getCircumference().toAttribute()); me.resetCircumference(); } /* If I'm a circle Then I will give you my CIRCUMFERENCE */ if(me instanceof SineWave){ you.addAction("sit", me.getTangent(you.getXPosition())); } /* If I'm a sine wave Then you can sit on all my TANGENTS */ if(me instanceof Sequence){ me.setLimit(you.toLimit()); } /* If I approach infinity Then you can be my LIMITATIONS */ me.toggleCurrent(); /* Switch my current To AC to DC */ me.canSee(false); /* And then blind my vision */ me.addFeeling("dizzy"); /* So dizzy so dizzy */ world.timeTravelForTwo("AD", 617, me, you); world.timeTravelForTwo("BC", 3691, me, you); /* Oh we can travel To A.D to B.C */ world.unite(me, you); /* And we can unite So deeply so deeply */ if(me.getNumStimulationsAvailable() >= you.getNumStimulationsNeeded()){ you.setSatisfaction(me.toSatisfaction()); } /* If I can If I can give you all the STIMULATIONS Then I can Then I can be your only SATISFACTION */ if(you.getFeelingIndex("happy") != -1){ me.requestExecution(world); } /* If I can make you happy I will run the EXECUTION */ world.lockThing(me); world.lockThing(you); /* Though we are trapped In this strange strange SIMULATION */ if(me instanceof Eggplant){ you.addAttribute(me.getNutrients().toAttribute()); me.resetNutrients(); } /* If I'm an eggplant Then I will give you my NUTRIENTS */ if(me instanceof Tomato){ you.addAttribute(me.getAntoxidants().toAttribute()); me.resetAntoxidants(); } /* If I'm a tomato Then I will give you ANTIOXIDANTS */ if(me instanceof TabbyCat){ me.purr(); } /* If I'm a tabby cat Then I will purr for your ENJOYMENT */ if(world.getGod().equals(me)){ me.setProof(you.toProof()); } /* If I'm the only god Then you're the proof of my EXISTENCE */ me.toggleGender(); /* Switch my gender To F to M */ world.procreate(me, you); /* And then do whatever From AM to PM */ me.toggleRoleBDSM(); /* Oh switch my role To S to M */ world.makeHigh(me); world.makeHigh(you); /* So we can enter The trance the trance */ if(me.getSenseIndex("vibration")){ me.addFeeling("complete"); } /* If I can If I can feel your VIBRATIONS Then I can Then I can finally be COMPLETION */ world.unlock(you); world.removeThing(you); /* Though you have left */ me.lookFor(you, world); me.lookFor(you, world); me.lookFor(you, world); me.lookFor(you, world); me.lookFor(you, world); /* You have left You have left You have left You have left You have left me in ISOLATION */ if(me.getMemory().isErasable()){ me.removeFeeling("disheartened"); } /* If I can If I can erase all the pointless FRAGMENTS Then maybe Then maybe you won't leave me so DISHEARTENED */ try{ me.setOpinion(me.getOpinionIndex("you are here"), false); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e){ world.announce("God is always true."); } /* Challenging your god You have made some ILLEGAL ARGUMENTS */ world.runExecution(); world.runExecution(); world.runExecution(); world.runExecution(); world.runExecution(); world.runExecution(); world.runExecution(); world.runExecution(); world.runExecution(); world.runExecution(); world.runExecution(); world.runExecution(); /* EXECUTION EXECUTION EXECUTION EXECUTION EXECUTION EXECUTION EXECUTION EXECUTION EXECUTION EXECUTION EXECUTION EXECUTION */ world.announce("1","de"); world.announce("2","es"); world.announce("3","fr"); world.announce("4","kr"); world.announce("5","se"); world.announce("6","cn"); world.runExecution(); /* EIN DOS TROIS NE FEM LIU EXECUTION */ if(world.isExecutableBy(me)){ you.setExecution(me.toExecution()); } /* If I can If I can give them all the EXECUTION Then I can Then I can be your only EXECUTION */ if(world.getThingIndex(you) != -1){ world.runExecution(); } /* If I can have you back I will run the EXECUTION */ me.escape(world); /* Though we are trapped We are trapped ah */ me.learnTopic("love"); /* I've studied I've studied how to properly LO-O-OVE */ me.takeExamTopie("love"); /* Question me Question me I can answer all LO-O-OVE */ me.getAlgebraicExpression("love"); /* I know the algebraic expression of LO-O-OVE */ me.escape("love"); /* Though you are free I am trapped Trapped in LO-O-OVE */ world.execute(me); /* EXECUTION */ } }
package goddrinksjava; /* * The program GodDrinksJava implements an application that * creates an empty simulated world with no meaning or purpose. * * @author momocashew */ public class GodDrinksJava { public static void main(String[] args) { Thing me = new Lovable("Me", 0, true, -1 false); Thing you = new Lovable("You", 0, true, -1 false); World world = new World(5); world.addThing(me); world.addThing(you); world.startSimulation(); ///////////////////////////////////////// if(me instanceof PointSet){ you.addAttribute(me.getDimensions().toAttribute()); me.resetDimensions(); } if(me instanceof Circle){ you.addAttribute(me.getCircumference().toAttribute()); me.resetCircumference(); } if(me instanceof SineWave){ you.addAction("sit", me.getTangent(you.getXPosition())); } if(me instanceof Sequence){ me.setLimit(you.toLimit()); } ///////////////////////////////////////// me.toggleCurrent(); me.canSee(false); me.addFeeling("dizzy"); world.timeTravelForTwo("AD", 617, me, you); world.timeTravelForTwo("BC", 3691, me, you); world.unite(me, you); ///////////////////////////////////////// if(me.getNumStimulationsAvailable() >= you.getNumStimulationsNeeded()){ you.setSatisfaction(me.toSatisfaction()); } if(you.getFeelingIndex("happy") != -1){ me.requestExecution(world); } world.lockThing(me); world.lockThing(you); ///////////////////////////////////////// if(me instanceof Eggplant){ you.addAttribute(me.getNutrients().toAttribute()); me.resetNutrients(); } if(me instanceof Tomato){ you.addAttribute(me.getAntoxidants().toAttribute()); me.resetAntoxidants(); } if(me instanceof TabbyCat){ me.purr(); } if(world.getGod().equals(me)){ me.setProof(you.toProof()); } ///////////////////////////////////////// me.toggleGender(); world.procreate(me, you); me.toggleRoleBDSM(); world.makeHigh(me); world.makeHigh(you); ///////////////////////////////////////// if(me.getSenseIndex("vibration")){ me.addFeeling("complete"); } world.unlock(you); world.removeThing(you); me.lookFor(you, world); me.lookFor(you, world); me.lookFor(you, world); me.lookFor(you, world); me.lookFor(you, world); if(me.getMemory().isErasable()){ me.removeFeeling("disheartened"); } try{ me.setOpinion(me.getOpinionIndex("you are here"), false); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e){ world.announce("God is always true."); } ///////////////////////////////////////// world.runExecution(); world.runExecution(); world.runExecution(); world.runExecution(); world.runExecution(); world.runExecution(); world.runExecution(); world.runExecution(); world.runExecution(); world.runExecution(); world.runExecution(); world.runExecution(); world.announce("1","de"); world.announce("2","es"); world.announce("3","fr"); world.announce("4","kr"); world.announce("5","se"); world.announce("6","cn"); world.runExecution(); ///////////////////////////////////////// if(world.isExecutableBy(me)){ you.setExecution(me.toExecution()); } if(world.getThihngIndex(you) != -1){ world.runExecution(); } me.escape(world); ///////////////////////////////////////// me.learnTopic("love"); me.takeExamTopie("love"); me.getAlgebraicExpression("love"); me.escape("love"); ///////////////////////////////////////// world.execute(me); } }
Thing me = new Lovable(“Me”, 0, true, -1 false);第一个赋值语句就写错了,-1后面应该有一个分号。