mltd繁中服 API速览






在我弄之前已经搞出来api域名是 ,和之前差不多可还行,估计万代直接把服务器基础框架复制过去了一份







跑的途中就开始搜索,搜了几个AesManaged RijndaelManaged都没有直接引用,然后搜 x-encryption-compress 搜到在类 Imas.Connection.Api 里面用到了,调用来源 Imas.Connection.Connection,然后在里面看到了 public byte[] DecKey(int eMode)


日服里面的函数是 private byte[] DecryptKey(byte[] enckey) ,具体细节是在类初始化时从 metadata 里面读取两个32字节的字符串,对第一个字符串进行reverse,然后和第二个字符串异或,就是日服的密钥了



然后进行一波乱序的Array_Copy,出来一个32字节一个64字节的字节数组,最后用这俩跑一遍aes decrypt




这次从不一样的角度重新研究了一次mltd的密钥,上次基本上纯属凑巧,强行debug搞出了密钥,和最早挖内存挖出b站flash player的playurl salt差不多。这次更加系统的通过静态分析找到了密钥的位置并搞出了算法。






18 thoughts on “mltd繁中服 API速览”

  1. Is there any way to analyze ipa (JP ver) without jailbreak? I have an iphone 12 and cannot jailbreak it.

  2. 感谢博主,第一次接触这方面的知识,折腾了好久终于搞定了,感恩~

    安卓用户可以用 Drony 来把 的流量打到抓包工具上,比改hosts还是方便不少的

  3. Hello brother, I was searching for the information about MLTD and found your blog on Google.

    Sorry for writing the comment in English, I tried to translate with several translation services but all of them made weird results 🙁

    Different on ZH client is interesting, your post might be helpful on inspecting KR client.
    Also, thank you for the information about the API response on the comment. That’s very interesting!

    Anyway, I’m currently looking at the Japan region client, but things not going well.

    I tried to dump the with Il2CppDumper, but it seems that global-metadata.dat is obfuscated or using a different format, to prevent the inspection.

    I tried to inspect the il2cpp::vm::MetadataCache::Initialize and il2cpp::vm::MetadataLoader::LoadMetadataFile, but failed to figure out the magic on it.

    I tried to intercept the il2cpp::vm::MetadataLoader::LoadMetadataFile with Frida(similar to Clutch, but for Android), but it’s not called. I can’t figure out how they load the metadata file.

    Was global-metadata.dat not obfuscated when you looked into the ZH client? If it was obfuscated, can I get help on solving the magic?

    I’m looking forward to your reply. Thanks for reading!

    1. No worry, English comment is ok.

      JP ver Android is protected with AppGuard, while iOS is not protected. App Store does not allow any kind of obfuscation of main binary file, so dumping on iOS can sometime be much easier.
      I’m not sure if ZH / KR is protected too.

      1. Wow, it’s surprising that obfuscation is not allowed 😮

        It’s sad that I don’t have any iOS devices now, should get one to inspect it.

        And I’m not sure about ZH, but KR client is also protected by AppGuard.

        I have one more question about text content(looks like base64 encoded) of https requests to server. Are they encrypted with the way you described about the text content of response?

        Thanks for your help! I didn’t expect you will reply that fast :3

        1. Seems finding the key will be the point for getting the contents of API. Gonna try anything to find it.

          Since I don’t have an iOS device now, figuring out the magic on global-metadata.dat will be the best way to find the key.

          It looks that both JP and KR has same method for obfuscation, so it would be better to look on KR version first to find the magic — I’m newbie, think smaller one is better

          Anyway, Thank You!!

        2. Hello brother, I have got an iOS device and tried to capture the HTTP traffics with both iOS’ default network proxy and HTTP Catcher but failed to find the traffic heading to

          I have installed the certification and other requests are logged fine, such as smbeat or gameguard, a webpage for in-game notices, even the traffics from App Store.

          When I tried to capture the traffics on Android clients, they were sending an encrypted text for RPC over HTTPS. So I expected iOS will have the same method for connection but failed to capture them.

          Do iOS clients use a different way — not HTTP — to communicate with Firebase Server?

          Thanks for reading, have a good day!

        3. Hello brother, finally I succeed to get the content of requests!

          I was unable to find the position of the key in global-metadata, so I intercepted the call of System.Security.Cryptography.AesManaged$$CreateEncryptor with Frida, and got the key from its argument.

          What I’ve figured out is, Android and iOS Client uses the same key for AES-256-CBC, which must be expected, but I never thought about it. And the key has not been changed, I can see the same one in the picture of this article.

          So I captured the requests of Android client and decrypted it with the method you commented below, it works perfectly! I really appreciate your help!!

          Have a nice day!

        4. Wow congrats

          Also, on iOS to get the capture you need to control the DNS. It doesn’t use NSURLRequest so won’t follow system proxy settings.
          App like “HTTP Catcher” has this functionality built in

  4. 您好,ios11,开SSLKillSwitch,charles走代理,抓不到包。还显示连线失败。请教下您是如何处理的?期待回复,谢谢!

      1. 你好,修改hosts意思是修改手机的hosts,把theaterdays-zh.appspot.com这个网址指向fiddler的ip(吗

      2. 博主你好,hosts具体是指什么,把什么域名指向什么IP,求指教,谢谢!


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